Summary : Ferrets are carnivores and buying some mice or rats at the pet store can satisfy this craving. When ferrets are brought home from the pet shop, many have experienced that the animal hasn't yet been toilet trained. Ferrets love the outdoors especially in the garden. Ferrets are cute and long furred creatures.Pets come in different shapes and sizes. For those who don’t want that much maintenance, having some fish in the aquarium will suffice. If the owner wants physical intimacy, a dog or cat are the usual animals that come to mind.
According to one survey, many people want to have something more than what is frequently bought at the pet store. These are classified as exotic pets that owners claim to be just as fun. A good example of such a creature is a ferret.
Ferrets have been around centuries and are related to badgers, otters and weasels. People first used this creature to flush out rodents. Known to be friendlier and more playful than cats, it is no wonder that many consider this to be an ideal pet.
Should the individual decide to get one, here are a few tips that should be kept in mind.
1. Ferrets are usually active in the early morning or late afternoon. The owner must make sure that there is time for the animal to exercise its muscles outside its cage because being locked up may cause stress and make it sick.
2. Ferrets are carnivores and buying some mice or rats at the pet store can satisfy this craving. If this is too expensive, you can settle for the same food given to a cat.
3. When ferrets are brought home from the pet shop, many have experienced that the animal hasn't yet been toilet trained. There are two ways to solve this. The first will be putting some cat litter in a box. The other will be bringing the creature to the designated spot whenever there is an urge.
4. Ferrets are prone to diseases and pests commonly found in dogs and cats such as viruses and mites. Regular checkups with the veterinarian will ensure the health and safety of the pet.
5. Ferrets love the outdoors especially in the garden. Those who love to work with plants will love to have this creature as a companion but should be careful since some may wander off and never be seen again.
6. Ferrets are cute and long furred creatures. The proper way to hold them will be to get the animal from behind with one hand holding the chest while the other is on the hips.
Companionship is the primary reason why many people decide to have a pet. If the person is busy with work and really wants one, the best to buy is a ferret.
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