Monday, September 29, 2008

Ferrets as Exotic Pets

Summary : Ferrets are also biters. The kits, baby ferrets, tend to bite more. Ferrets are carnivores so they require a high protein diet. Stores carried other types of ferret food that many owners choose over the live food. While play is an important part of your ferret’s life so is sleep. Many pet stores have toys for ferrets, or you might have something around the house that your ferret will find appealing. The type of cage is important. Ferrets are little balls of fur that love to play and interact with humans and each other.
Ferrets, often considered a rare pet to own. Most individuals choose dogs, cats, birds, or fish to complete their family, however a select few turn to the ferret for its social, playful, curious qualities. Ferrets love to play and explore not only with others and their owners, but also on their own. For this reason, you need to know a few things on how to take care of a ferret.

First, you will want to ferret proof your home before you introduce them as pets. They will crawl into walls, furniture, and anywhere they can get their little bodies. It is much like childproofing a home for a baby. You will want to make sure all of the dangers are eliminated when you allow them out of their cages for playtime.

Ferrets are also biters. The kits, baby ferrets, tend to bite more. You can eliminate the problem or tone it down with frequent handling. It is a sign of their behavior as mock fighting or sparring. The younger ferrets tend to bite more when they are teething and do not mean any harm. For this reason, you will want to handle the ferret or ferrets as often as possible to help reduce the biting behavior. Often those who do not take the time or patience to train their ferret end up leaving the animal in its cage and thus it has a shorter lifespan. Please make sure you are up to the task of training a ferret before brining one into your home. Trained properly they can be as great a pet as cats or dogs.

A ferret’s lifespan is usually six to ten years, however proper care and feeding can lead to a little longer life. Ferrets are carnivores so they require a high protein diet. Most owners decide to feed their ferret’s mice, rats, rabbit, and other raw meats such as chicken. Stores carried other types of ferret food that many owners choose over the live food. Carefully reading the label will tell you if it has the proper high protein diet. Most kitten food can be used for example because it is designed to be high protein and fat for growing cats.

While play is an important part of your ferret’s life so is sleep. Most ferrets spend fourteen to eighteen hours a day sleeping. Part of sleeping is to rejuvenate them from the active play life they have. They love to explore and to play with toys. Many pet stores have toys for ferrets, or you might have something around the house that your ferret will find appealing.

The type of cage is important. Ferrets tend to be very smart so you will need a cage they can get plenty of air, but small enough bars they cannot break away. You will also want to clean the cage once or twice a week depending upon the number of ferrets you have, how dirty the cage looks. They are also burrows so some type of bedding is required.

Ferrets are little balls of fur that love to play and interact with humans and each other. While there are some special concessions you need to make to have a ferret the results are worth it. Proper training as a kit will give you even more joy when they reach adulthood.

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Ferret as an Exotic Pet

Summary : Ferrets are carnivores and buying some mice or rats at the pet store can satisfy this craving. When ferrets are brought home from the pet shop, many have experienced that the animal hasn't yet been toilet trained. Ferrets love the outdoors especially in the garden. Ferrets are cute and long furred creatures.
Pets come in different shapes and sizes. For those who don’t want that much maintenance, having some fish in the aquarium will suffice. If the owner wants physical intimacy, a dog or cat are the usual animals that come to mind.

According to one survey, many people want to have something more than what is frequently bought at the pet store. These are classified as exotic pets that owners claim to be just as fun. A good example of such a creature is a ferret.

Ferrets have been around centuries and are related to badgers, otters and weasels. People first used this creature to flush out rodents. Known to be friendlier and more playful than cats, it is no wonder that many consider this to be an ideal pet.

Should the individual decide to get one, here are a few tips that should be kept in mind.

1. Ferrets are usually active in the early morning or late afternoon. The owner must make sure that there is time for the animal to exercise its muscles outside its cage because being locked up may cause stress and make it sick.

2. Ferrets are carnivores and buying some mice or rats at the pet store can satisfy this craving. If this is too expensive, you can settle for the same food given to a cat.

3. When ferrets are brought home from the pet shop, many have experienced that the animal hasn't yet been toilet trained. There are two ways to solve this. The first will be putting some cat litter in a box. The other will be bringing the creature to the designated spot whenever there is an urge.

4. Ferrets are prone to diseases and pests commonly found in dogs and cats such as viruses and mites. Regular checkups with the veterinarian will ensure the health and safety of the pet.

5. Ferrets love the outdoors especially in the garden. Those who love to work with plants will love to have this creature as a companion but should be careful since some may wander off and never be seen again.

6. Ferrets are cute and long furred creatures. The proper way to hold them will be to get the animal from behind with one hand holding the chest while the other is on the hips.

Companionship is the primary reason why many people decide to have a pet. If the person is busy with work and really wants one, the best to buy is a ferret.
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The sugar glider: cute, exotic, friendly

Summary : Sugar gliders are marsupials. This acts as their gliders, helping them swoop from tree branch to tree branch.These pantagium, are furry and flexible, allowing the sugar glider movement like normal marsupials. In all, they measure 12 inches from head to tail. Sugar gliders are very social animals.
Sugar gliders make great pets. Not only are the exotic-making them the envy of other pet owners - they are also very social. Sugar gliders are known to bond very well with their owners, and you will very often find the sugar gliders comfortably squeezed in an owners pocket or bonding pouch.

But what are these sugar glitters anyway, and why do they make great pets. Here are a few facts on the sugar glider that should turn the few heads towards their way.

Sugar gliders are marsupials. When they are born, they stay in the pouch of their mothers since they are still very immature and unready to go out on their own. They have pantagium, or a membrane that stretches from their ankles up to their wrists. This acts as their gliders, helping them swoop from tree branch to tree branch.

These pantagium, are furry and flexible, allowing the sugar glider movement like normal marsupials. Also they have opposing thumbs which they use to grab on to trunks and branches. Their other fingers are used for grooming.

Sugar gliders are found in Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. In all, they measure 12 inches from head to tail. Their bodies measures 6 inches, while their tails measure another 6 inches. They only weigh about 5 ounces, or 150 g. In captivity, they can live from 10 years to 15 years depending on how they are cared for.

They are nocturnal, so you'll find them sleeping throughout the day. If you carry them along with you often, they will be snug and comfortable in your pocket.

Sugar gliders are very social animals. So you always have to give them constant attention, and groom them often. If you aren't able to take care of them constantly, you may want to consider bringing in another sugar glider to keep them company. However, it is hard to introduce adult sugar gliders, so it is better if you purchase them in pairs.

You can, however, keep them single just as long as you give them constant attention. Make sure that if you do purchase them in pairs, you keep them of the same-sex or they could procreate uncontrollably. You could also give them partners that are of different sexes, just as long as they are neutered.

As mentioned earlier, sugar gliders make great pets because they bond closely with their owners. They are very loyal and will stick with you as often as possible.

Statistic :
Title : The sugar glider: cute, exotic, friendly
Word count : 411
Keyword : Sugar glider
Keyword density : 2.5%

Friday, September 5, 2008

Caring for a Fox as an Exotic Pet

Summary : Foxes can be like dogs. Foxes have specific odors caused by oil and sweat glands. A dog crate is sufficient to secure them indoors, escape-proof pens may be used outdoors. Foxes are omnivorous animals, they can eat almost anything. Foxes may also be fed with premium cat or dog food. To make the fox’s diet varied, fruits, vegetables, eggs, mice, mealworms, and crickets may be added. Many fox species can be trained to use the litter box.
For most people foxes are wild animals that are best left alone in their natural habitants. However there are some people who have discovered the joys of keeping a fox as a pet. It may surprising to some, but caring for a fox as an exotic pet may not be as difficult as it seems.

Knowing Foxes

Foxes can be like dogs. They require attention and a lot of socialization. They are quite energetic, active, and curious. These intelligent creatures are also cunning, and flexible. They can easily escape, and thus it is important to see that they are secure wherever they maybe to avoid losing them.

Foxes have characteristic odors caused by oil and sweat glands. To prevent them from smelling, it is important to keep them cool and well ventilated so that they won't secret oils excessively. Occasional bathing may also be advisable but too much bathing can cause dryness that exacerbates the secretion of odor-causing oils.

Making a Home for a Fox

Foxes can be very much treated like dogs; however they should be put in secure cages when they are not being watched since they can easily escape. A dog crate is sufficient to secure them indoors, escape-proof pens may be used outdoors. When walking foxes, it is important to leash them securely enough so they can't escape.

Feeding a Fox

Foxes are omnivorous animals, they can eat almost anything. Thus it is important for them to have a balanced diet. There are commercial dry foods available on the market, specifically made for wild animals. These make great bases for their diet. Foxes may also be fed with premium cat or dog food. To make the fox’s diet varied, fruits, vegetables, eggs, mice, mealworms, and crickets may be added.

Potty Training

Many fox species can be trained to use the litter box. It is advisable to use a covered box because foxes dig in the wild when they excrete. Potty training is pretty much like the same with dogs. Give rewards and praise for each time they use the litter box, but punishments should be avoided when they defecate elsewhere. When the fox is on the verge of defecating or urinating, it should simply be moved to the litter box.

Caring for the Foxes’ Health

It is important to bring the fox to the vet regularly. Their health care is pretty much similar to dogs, and thus can be quite easy to manage.
Having an fox as an exotic pet can be rewarding. These little critters may prove to be a great companion and perhaps a best friend as well.

Related Link :
how to keep exotic pet happy
how to crare your exotic pet
how to domesticate exotic pet
how to care exotic pet

Tips : How to Keep the Exotic Pet Happy?

Summary : Since toads love the water, getting an aquarium will be best. Part of the responsibility of owning a pet is cleaning up the mess. The owner can install a filter to suck dirt but changing the water is still the best way to make sure it is safe for the toad. Toads love to eat worms, insects or small fishes.
There are many exotic pets that can be raised at home. Given the many possibilities, Michael decided to get something that didn't require that much maintenance. After examining what was available in the pet store, the decision came down to a toad named Ernie.

Ernie is known as an Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. The name is derived from its physical features, which can only be found in certain parts of Southeast Asia.

What is the key to make exotic animals like this toad happy? In simple words, tender loving care. Since this is easier said and done, here are some pointers;

1. The first will be to find an appropriate home for the pet. Since toads love the water, getting an aquarium will be best. This is because this is the most ideal environment resembling the swamp.

Water should only be filled between two to four inches from the bottom of the tank so that rocks can also be placed for the toad to get some warmth from artificial light or the sun.

The water should be dechlorinated for at least a day before putting the toad in. This is because the acidity could affect the health of the pet less than a day after it is brought home from the store.

2. The aquarium will get dirty after a few days. Part of the responsibility of owning a pet is cleaning up the mess. The owner can install a filter to suck dirt but changing the water is still the best way to make sure it is safe for the toad.

3. Toads love to eat worms, insects or small fishes. The owner can get these from the pet store and offer them on a regular basis dyed with multivitamins to make it always feel healthy and strong.

Toads don’t have to be fed daily. This should be done only two to three times a week since giving too much can make the pet overweight.

Exotic animals need a lot of attention just like having a dog or a cat. It will be a good idea to read up and do some research first instead of doing it through trial and error.

The average life span of this kind a toad is between 10 to 15 years. This just goes to show that with proper care, Michael can make Ernie happy and in return they will spend a long time together.

Related Link :
how to crare your exotic pet
how to domesticate exotic pet
how to care exotic pet

The Best Exotic Pet Birds

Summary : Sun Conures – these birds are popular among the medium-sized variety. Sun Conures usually live to around 20 to 35 years. Parrotlets are also rather quiet compared to other exotic birds and thus they are ideal for owners who live in apartments or duplexes. Cockatiels – many find the medium-sized cockatiel as delightful pets. Cockatiels usually live from 15 to 20 years.
Exotic birds are among the most popular pets to keep. Not only are they absolutely beautiful, with their brilliantly colored feathers, many pet owners find them easier to take care of than, say, a fuzzy cat or a rowdy dog. However, choosing among the best exotic pet birds is rather confusing because there are several species to choose from. Here are some of the most popular exotic pet:
  • Sun Conures – these birds are popular among the medium-sized variety. They grow to about 12 inches in length, requiring less living space than large parrots. The feathers of Sun Conures are tinted with brilliant hues of orange, yellow, red, green, and blue. Like parrots, Sun Conures can learn how to speak, however they can become quite vocal and noisy. They scream and screech and may not be ideal for those living in apartments buildings. Sun Conures usually live to around 20 to 35 years.
  • African Grays – these birds are considered to be among the most loquacious among exotic birds, they can acquire a vocabulary of up to 2,000 words. These birds are also rather intelligent, but they can get demanding and easily bored. However, African Greys can also be quite affectionate - perfect for owners who want sensible companions. They may live from 50 to 70 years.
  • Budgerigars – these are the most common among the pet birds and serve as good introduction to owning feathered pets. Budgies can be good pets for children and are quite attractive with a great variety of colors. They also require a relatively small space, while being quite easy to maintain. Though they can typically learn only few words, they are intelligent enough to be able to sing and whistle tunes. Budgerigars may live from 12 to 14 years.
  • Parrotlets – these are among the smallest varieties of parrots. While parrotlets may be feisty they are quite intelligent just like their giant cousins. Parrotlets are also rather quiet compared to other exotic birds and thus they are ideal for owners who live in apartments or duplexes. The average parrotlet grows only to about 5 inches and lives to about 20 years.
  • Cockatiels – many find the medium-sized cockatiel as delightful pets. They also belong to the parrot family, and are known to be intelligent. Cockatiels usually just whistle or mimic random sounds, but they can also learn how to talk. They come in different combinations of color and can be quite attractive members of a home. Cockatiels usually live from 15 to 20 years.
There are many more exotic pet birds and it is best to consult with a breeder to find the best one for you.

Tips : How To Care Your Exotic Pet Monkey

Summary : Separated from its mother, an exotic pet monkey may manifest signs of depression and other symptoms of psychological maladjustment. As an exotic pet owner, then, you must create an atmosphere that closely depicts such conditions. You must aim to respond to both physical and psychological needs. An exotic pet monkey, likewise, has specialized needs for food and nutrients. Caring for an exotic animal indeed involves commitment.

Exotic animals, like monkeys, may indeed be attractive as pets but such is certainly in violation of the animals’ natural living condition. As early as days or even hours after they are born, they are already separated from their mothers which is both unusual and unhealthy. The monkeys are deprived of the opportunity to develop the way they are predisposed. This further adds up to the many factors that you have to take into consideration when taking care of them.

Separated from its mother, an exotic pet monkey may manifest signs of depression and other symptoms of psychological maladjustment. Thus, it may not immediately appreciate the traditional methods of caring for pets and may long for what it was supposed to have experienced in his natural living environment. As an exotic pet owner, then, you must create an atmosphere that closely depicts such conditions. You must aim to respond to both physical and psychological needs. The only way to be aware of these needs is to gather information and observe at the very start, taking note of typical behaviors and responses.

An unsuitable cage may worsen its psychological distress and cause further behaviour problems. Its living area must be secure and spacious. It would even be better if you can provide a companion of the same specie. In general, the area must be representative enough of nature. Modern habitats such as those commonly sold in pet shops are obviously inappropriate especially during younger years.

An exotic pet monkey, likewise, has specialized needs for food and nutrients. Diet may depend on the breed but should generally include protein-rich foods. Flowers, fruits, vegetables, insects, bugs, grasshoppers, and nuts are some other possible treats.

Unlike domestic cats and dogs, an exotic pet monkey has a greater tendency of being a carrier of diseases that may be passed on to humans. As such, ensure that it is regularly seen by a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals and is given the necessary vaccines. However, such services may be difficult to find and may be expensive as very few actually focus on it. Just the same, though, it is still a major requirement as it protects both your pet and yourself.

Caring for an exotic animal indeed involves commitment. Keep in mind that the lifespan of these types of animals are usually longer than that of the usual pets. Thus, before embarking on this responsibility, make sure that you are ready to face and respond to their needs and are capable of sustaining such devoted attitude. Otherwise, it would be best to leave them to nature’s care.

Be An Exotic Pet Breeder

Summary : Breeding can save you on buying pets. If there are equally pet lover people you know of, you can give a pet to them as a gift. You can help in preserving the species. Being a breeder isn't simple. You can't become a breeder overnight. If you have dreams of becoming an exotic pet breeder, start today. Gather all relevant information about your pet
Are you love of taking care of exotic pets? Do you have an intensive knowledge of animals and breeding it? If you do, you can consider being an exotic pet breeder. There are many advantages you can get from it.

Being an exotic pet breeder would give you these benefits. Read on.

  • It could be an added source of income for you. Imagine earning from your hobby. You can get profits from something you like doing. You can choose to sell the breed of animals that you produce to other people.
  • Breeding can save you on buying pets. Even if you don't intend to sell your pets, you can save a lot from breeding, because you don't have to buy the animals to add to your existing collection, if you are really a pet lover.
  • You have ready gifts to friends. If there are equally pet lover people you know of, you can give a pet to them as a gift. You can very well do that as a breeder. No need to find an expensive and interesting present, as you have the right one at your disposal.
  • You can help in preserving the species. Although it is illegal to take an endangered animal as a pet, you can help the environment by taking care and expanding the breed of the ones you own. That way, they will be further away from the possibility of extinction.
  • You will be able to enrich your animal knowledge. Being a breeder gives you the chance to know many things about animals, even if you didn't take zoology in college. Paying close attention to your pets will surely teach you a different thing or two everyday.
  • You can contribute to nature. Being a breeder enables you to contribute to the environment by propagating the species, or even experimenting on new breeds when applicable. These are really good roles to take on.

Being a breeder isn't simple. You can't become a breeder overnight. It takes knowledge, experience, and patience. You also may need to consult with an expert breeder or a veterinarian to help you out.

And it also entails responsibility. You might need to apply for a permit especially for that reason too. Of course, you have to follow all the legalities surrounding the transport of exotic pets for breeding purposes.

If you have dreams of becoming an exotic pet breeder, start today. Gather all relevant information about your pet. And learn everything you have to learn. Soon enough, you might just realize your goals.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tips : How To Domesticate an Exotic Pet

Summary : Fond an exotic pets will come naturally to those who are attracted to the untamed. Owning an exotic pet can require wild encounters and hardships in maintenance. This makes domesticating the exotic pets an imperative notice. If keeping a trained animal is important for you, better research first on the type of exotic creature to bring in the household. Some are easy to tame. There are exotic pets that are already bred and raised by humans
Loving an exotic animal will come naturally to those who are attracted to the wild. These creatures have their unique charm and traits that make them very desirable to be owned.

Still, keeping an exotic pet doesn't have to entail making a jungle out of the household. It doesn't mean that the whole household shall conspire to give the animal everything. At this point, domesticating the exotic animal is a big necessity.

How to Domesticate an Exotic Pet?

Owning an exotic pet can entail wild encounters and hardships in maintenance. This is so because exotic pets, by their very nature, aren't accustomed to living with people, even more in the urban setting. They aren't like dogs and cats that have been tamed to live with people for thousands of years already.

This makes domesticating the exotic pets an imperative consideration. Here are some tips to properly domesticate the animal:

1. Research
If keeping a trained animal is important for you, better research first on the type of exotic creature to bring in the household. Some are high maintenance. Some are easy to tame. The ferret, for example, isn't a common household pet but it is easy to tame and very predictable.

There are also specific behavior patterns that can be learned. These can very well make the animal more predictable. Even fierce snakes and big cats can be appeased and kept from their wild nature by understanding peculiar traits.

Just know everything about the exotic animal and things will go smoothly.

2. Tamed Breeds
There are exotic pets that are already bred and raised by humans. They are more familiar with people. Thus, domesticating them isn't difficult. Most of them too are trained already. They can be acquired through the proper pet trade.

3. Young Animals
Some animals too become tame to people who raised them. There can be some sort of familiarity and some amount of domestication when the exotic pet grows with the actual owners.

This can be done by bonding with the pet. Sometimes, even the behavior of the exotic pets will depend on how they are raised and cared for by the owners.


Owning an exotic pet really is a big decision. It requires some considerable effort to domesticate the animal and some amount of time until everyone gets fully adjusted.

There will always be responsibilities and hardships, no matter what type of animal will be adopted into the household. It just requires willingness and dedication from the owner.

For Beginner : How To Care An Exotic Pet Snake

Summary : Various species of exotic snakes may be determined as pets but the most common are garter snakes and pythons. For first-time owners, corn snakes, king snakes, and ball pythons are, in fact, most proper as these are gentle and not very reactive to food and the type of habitat they are in. On the other hand, if you are a beginner, don't think about acquiring Burmese pythons, red-tailed boas, tree boas or pythons, water snakes, anacondas, reticulated pythons and other wild snakes as they can really be dangerous especially when not handled properly. For pet snakes, your capability doesn't end when you have chosen the species.

Having exotic snakes as pets is becoming common nowadays. This is primarily because many people who have been taking care of one assert that snakes are actually tame, contrary to popular belief.

In spite of this, snakes remain to be not for everyone as care is quite complex. Just like in the case of having other types of exotic animals, commitment is very essential. Thus, prior to acquiring one, it is best to have the right information about them such as behavioral characteristics, dietary and habitat requirements, and other pertinent details. Only after which should you decide if you really are capable of having one.

Several species of exotic snakes may be considered as pets but the most common are garter snakes and pythons. For first-time owners, corn snakes, king snakes, and ball pythons are, in fact, most suitable as these are gentle and not very sensitive to food and the type of habitat they are in. On the other hand, if you are a beginner, don't think about acquiring Burmese pythons, red-tailed boas, tree boas or pythons, water snakes, anacondas, reticulated pythons and other wild snakes as they can really be dangerous especially when not handled properly. A rash approach affects their temperament negatively.

The appropriate diet and living area vary with different species. Generally, though, in creating an artificial environment for them, take note of security as they tend to get out of any enclosure. Check for gaps and the strength of the habitat itself. Otherwise, you shall be putting others in danger as well as incurring liabilities. Also, check if there is enough space for them to move around. The size of the space must correspond well to the size of your pet.

As all snakes are carnivorous, mice and rats are the best food for them. It is better to give them pre-killed ones so as to protect them from possible injuries caused by their prey when alive. This especially happens when the prey is given to them while they are not yet hungry and unwilling to attack. On your part, it would likewise be more convenient to have these killed rodents in a freezer than keep another habitat just for them.

Animal care, no matter what you choose as your pet, has indeed never been easy. For pet snakes, your responsibility doesn't end when you have chosen the species. It is actually just the beginning of a long-term complex relationship.

Word Count : 405
Keyword : Snakes
Keyword Density : 2.5 %