If there are baby dogs, cats or rabbits, then there are also baby iguanas.
Just like any juvenile pet, there are certain requirements that you need to provide for your baby iguana. Baby iguanas are not used to being fed any kind of food. Your baby iguana can grow up healthy and strong just by taking care of them the way you do any kind of pet.
It is during this stage that these iguanas appear in their most fragile and need your loving care the most. Although they appear like they are easy to take of in their small appearance, proper precaution is needed so that they will be healthy in their older years.
Just like any juvenile pet, there are certain requirements that you need to provide for your baby iguana. Although they are not as meticulous and as herd to get as any other pet food, you should also consider if these things will be perfect for your iguana. You do not want them to become sickly and eventually die even before you see them in their full sizes, now do you?
Here are some of the important factors you need to consider when taking care of your baby iguana.
1. Shelter.
Not just any other type of cage will do. Though it does not matter what kind it is made of, you need to consider what should be inside the cage that the iguana will need.
An example is having something in them that will keep your pet warm during the night. Check out for carpeting or artificial turf to cover the flooring area of the cage. If you do not have the budget for it, you can opt for newspapers because they work just as well.
Since iguanas live on trees, you need to set up some branches for your pet to climb on to. Climbing on branches will form part of their leisure and movements. Just make sure that the branches are stable enough to hold their weight in case they lay down on them.
2. Temperature.
Baby iguanas should always be warm in order to stay healthy. Since you have no way of telling this just by looking at them, you can put a thermometer inside their cage so you can monitor the changes in the temperature inside the cage.
Make certain that you maintain a temperature of 70 degrees during the night and 85 degrees in the day. It is also a good idea for the cage for its shelter to be placed near a source of heat. You will see that your pet is inclined to have a comfortable rest if they stay close to that heat being radiated.
Special monitoring of temperature is required during the cold season. Check the shelter regularly. You would not want your pet to freeze to death without you knowing.
3. Food intake.
Baby iguanas need to have a diet that is rich in Vitamin D3, phosphorous and calcium. Lots of greens are also needed. You can also give them vegetables and fruits that you yourself are consuming.
Baby iguanas are not used to being fed any kind of food. Their digestive system is not as strong and as flexible as cats or dogs. Know what kind of food they can take and what they cannot.
Your baby iguana can grow up healthy and strong just by taking care of them the way you do any kind of pet. If it is absolutely necessary, you can consult a vet that specializes in iguana for things that are far beyond your comprehension. They will be able to give you sound advices regarding your baby iguana and the things that you need to do.
Since iguanas live on trees, you need to set up some branches for your pet to climb on to. Climbing on branches will form part of their leisure and movements. You will see that your pet is inclined to have a comfortable rest if they stay close to that heat being radiated.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Baby Iguana the Right way
Labels: iguana
Posted by Zusniyati at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Reptiles as exotic pet. Why Not?
There are quite harmless exotic pets like hamsters, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits. Reptiles are one of the most favored exotic pets especially people who have a love for the outdoors. Among the common reptiles that have been purchased or adopted as exotic pets are snakes, crocodiles, turtles and iguanas.
Pets are a source of enjoyment and fulfillment for most people. Pets like dogs and cats serve as loyal companions to people and are rewarded with tender loving care by their owners. However, there are people who pour out their affection to exotic pets.
Exotic pets are named as such because they aren't domesticated and tamed and are most often found in the wild. However, the popularity of exotic animals as pets has encouraged pet stores to stock up on exotic pets to meet the rising demand in the market.
When a person hears exotic pet, the first thing that comes into his mind is an animal that is uncommon and maybe wild. There are quite harmless exotic pets like hamsters, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits. On the other hand, there are also exotic pets that may seem ferocious and wild at first glance.
A person who is planning to buy a reptile as an exotic pet should bear in mind that most reptiles eat meat but there are reptiles that eat plants. Make sure that you know everything about the chosen reptile because there are reptiles that can be considered venomous.
There are people who believe that keeping snakes as exotic pets will bring them luck. Some prefer to keep snakes because they are a natural deterrent to the thousands of rodents living in the neighborhood.
There are plenty of reptiles to choose from and anyone with a penchant for these strange and eerie creatures can choose from a variety of reptiles that can be found roaming in the environment or being sold in pet stores all over the world.
Reptiles are one of the most favored exotic pets especially people who have a love for the outdoors. Among the common reptiles that have been purchased or adopted as exotic pets are snakes, crocodiles, turtles and iguanas. The misconceptions people have about the nature of reptiles that are often regarded as exotic pets came from ignorance and lack of willingness to accept reptiles as exotic pets
Labels: Exotic Pets, reptiles
Posted by Zusniyati at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Mollusks as exotic pets. Are You Nuts?
There are common pets and there are exotic pets. Common pets are dogs, birds, cats, fish and the likes. Also educate the household about the pet and how to care for the pet. There are people who prefer to take care of exotic pets like mollusks. At least eight thousand species of mollusks are known including those belonging to mollusk groups like mussels, limpets, periwinkles, top shells and chitons.
Most people prefer to have pets at home to keep them busy and relaxed during the times when they don't have to work. Some people like to take care of their pets religiously and they even find the time to take care of these pets even with very hectic schedules.
Pets can bring joy to people as most pets like dogs are endearing. Some people have gotten so accustomed to having their pets with them they even go to sleep with the pet dogs. But what if you have an exotic pet?
The site of an exotic and strange pet can bring cause goose bumps especially to a person who isn't aware of the nature of such a pet. Imagine visiting a friend only to find out that you have to pass his pet snake the size of a grown up man before getting inside his house.
There are several guidelines that a person should follow before getting a pet, especially if the pet is exotic. It is best to learn important things about such pets before buying them and bringing them home. Also educate the household about the pet and how to care for the pet.
There are people who prefer to take care of exotic pets like mollusks. Mollusks may sound like something rare but they are really common creatures of the sea that are protected with shells. At least eight thousand species of mollusks are known including those belonging to mollusk groups like mussels, limpets, periwinkles, top shells and chitons.
The most common mollusks that are often seen by mankind are perhaps the snails and octopus. These creatures are often depicted in various cartoons books and movies. Snails can move around by foot while an octopus can moves around by siphoning water.
A person who opts for a pet snail should prepare a home that is safe for the snail and is well ventilated. Avoid overcrowding snails because it can lead to illness and even death. While a small bottle container can be their temporary home, it would be best to transfer them to a larger area like a small aquarium with a lid to keep the snails from getting bitten by predators. Make sure to imitate the natural habitat of the snails to keep them happy and healthy. Place some foliage and rocks to allow the pet snail to move around.
Before anything else, make sure you have done a little research on how to keep your pet snail healthy and how to feed him properly.
Snails can move around by foot while an octopus can moves around by siphoning water. A person who opts for a pet snail should prepare a home that is safe for the snail and is well ventilated. Avoid overcrowding snails because it can lead to illness and even death. Make sure to imitate the natural habitat of the snails to keep them happy and healthy. Place some foliage and rocks to allow the pet snail to move around.
Labels: Buying Exotic pets, mollusks
Posted by Zusniyati at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Looking for Exotic Pets
Common exotic pets such as guinea pigs, iguanas, and turtles should be easy to find. Although not all veterinarians sell pets, but if you try to look hard enough, you can find one that has an exotic animal for a pet and is willing to sell it to you. Rescues and pet shelter houses would likely have animals placed in their institution.
Exotic pets are special pets. You can't buy it in common pet shop or similar place. You can only find these in equally special places. These animals grow in the wild and the jungles, mostly.
If you are really bent on getting an exotic pet, maybe as a gift or as your personal preference, then you have to go to these places to find one.
1. Check out the internet. The internet is an online store for many things, exotic pets included. Specialty pet shops put their store online to get more customers. If you want to know where to get exotic pets fast and easy, check out your computer. The pet you wanted could be delivered with just a click of a button.
2. Local specialty pet shops. If you can’t find just the right one you are looking for online, you can scout the specialty pet shops within your area. They are sure to have an exotic pet or two. If, unfortunately, there are none like that in there, you can ask for references from them because for sure, they know of somebody, a competitor or otherwise, that are selling exotic species.
3. Veterinarians. Although not all veterinarians sell pets, but if you try to look hard enough, you can find one that has an exotic animal for a pet and is willing to sell it to you. Maybe he acquired it from his last trip to the Caribbean or to South America. Either the case, if he is willing to sell it, you are sure to have a good deal.
4. Rescues and Shelters. Rescues and pet shelter houses would likely have animals placed in their institution. Just in the U.S., there are many places where exotic and not so exotic animals need homes. They would be willing to screen you out and give you the pet that you wanted. These are mostly coming from other people who could have abandoned these pets or didn't know how to take care of them properly.
These are the common places where you can see some exotic animals. Of course you can also go to an entirely different country to get one. But that shouldn't be necessary. Common exotic pets such as guinea pigs, iguanas, and turtles should be easy to find. But if you go for snakes, spiders, and skunks, you might just find it a little harder to look for these.
Rescues and pet shelter houses would likely have animals placed in their institution. Specialty pet shops put their store online to get more customers. If you want to know where to get exotic pets fast and easy, check out your computer. Although not all veterinarians sell pets, but if you try to look hard enough, you can find one that has an exotic animal for a pet and is willing to sell it to you.
Labels: Exotic Pets
Posted by Zusniyati at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Baby Green Iguana As an Exotic Pets
The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green.
Interesting Informations About The Baby Green Iguana as an Exotic Pets
The green iguana is one kind of reptile which is commonly found all throughout South and Central America. The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definite proof that the green iguana ranks among the endangered animals but then it is sometimes misconstrued to be one because it is a major attraction to the hunters. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. The green iguana is also a favorite delicacy of some and it is known by the name of “Bamboo Chicken”.
The Physical Appearance of the Green Iguana
The overly grown green iguanas typically grow in between four and six feet but there are some that extend up to seven feet. The tail takes up almost all of the length since it ranks to be almost half of the entire body measurement. Despite their being green, there is likewise the dominant black stripe coloring in its body. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green. The skin of the green iguana is mostly rough primarily because of the pointy scales along the animal’s back. The green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers so that they can easily grasp and climb.
The Habitat of the Green Iguana
Baby green iguanas are typically raised in the tropical rainforest areas specifically in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources like those of the streams and rivers. Most of their formative years are confined in the forest top at about forty up to fifty feet high atop the ground.
The Admirable Adaptations of the Baby Green Iguanas
Aside from the invariable claws and long fingers possessed by the baby green iguanas, they also have a lot of proficient and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. One of their defense mechanisms is their tail which is obviously sharp and is snapped high into the air when danger is sensed. Once a predator gets the chance to grab the tail, it grows again without any damage at all. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough—it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. The pigmentation on the skin of the baby green iguana helps out in the camouflaging especially when there are predators in the area. But then when their predators detect them, the baby green iguanas are able to swiftly jump from the trees and then dive directly into the water. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers. What a smart exotic pets!!
Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. Imagine that they do fall off the ground at about 40 up to 50 feet but they still manage to come unhurt. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins. This is the special flap on their skins which they use to impress the female green iguanas or to intimidate their oncoming predators. With these dewlaps, they manage to let themselves appear bigger. As an exotic pets another excellent characteristic for the green iguanas is that they are able to keep fat under their own necks and jaws for quite a time especially when there is not much of the food at hand.
The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough—it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins.
Labels: green iguana
Posted by Zusniyati at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Albino Iguana As An Exotic Pets
One of the most crucial factors in an Albino Iguana’s survival is food. Though some people still recommend on feeding iguanas with insects and other animal protein based food. An iguana slowly creeps over to eat it. Then leaf and insect are simultaneously consumed by the reptile.
How to Feed Your Albino Iguana
As An exotic pets, lbino iguanas also need water, so make sure to provide them with this. Iguanas usually dip their head on the water when drinking, so also make sure to have a tall glass that is full of fresh water. Sometimes they also lick off small water droplets from plants to quench their thirst.
Water should always be available for your iguana and make certain that they are fresh. Never feed your iguana with left over vegetables because this may cause disorders in its digestive system. It will then lead to sickness or even death.
It is highly recommended to feed your iguana every day and regularly. The ideal time for feeding your iguana is early in the morning usually an hour after it is awake. Succeeding feeding all through out the day can also be done but only in small quantity. Never feed your iguana immense amounts of food before sleeping time.
Feeding your Albino Iguana in the morning gives it time to properly digest food before sleeping. In addition, the morning temperature will give your iguana the right environment to properly digest its food.
The amount of food to be given literally depends on the size and bulkiness of your iguana. The main rule in here is to feed your iguana as long as it wants to. This kind of technique will allow you to note how much your iguana can take over one feeding.
Food for your Albino Iguana should be on a shallow bowl which should be made of ceramic, glass or plastic and should be regularly cleaned. The bowl to be used should be sturdy enough to hold your iguana and should not be tipped easily.
Variety of food is also important to make your iguana feel healthy and at home. Iguanas are known to eat a large variety of fruits and flowers in the wild so it is a good idea to also feed them this way while they are in your captivity.
Aside from proper food your iguana should also have the proper lighting and sunshine. Iguanas usually get calcium from the sun rays to help them properly digest their food.
So if you want your Albino Iguana to stay healthy and have a longer life span feed them with the right amount of food and the right kind of food.
Variety of food is also important to make your iguana feel healthy and at home. Aside from proper food your iguana should also have the proper lighting and sunshine. Iguanas usually get calcium from the sun rays to help them properly digest their food.
Labels: iguana
Posted by Zusniyati at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Alligator As an Exotic Pet
You need a specific license to buy an alligator. There are laws controling alligators that are taken as pets. People who wish to buy an alligator shouldn't only be licensed. Taking an alligator from its natural habitat isn't allowed in some States. Before you go to the wild and get an alligator, check the local laws of the state first. Some states have made rules against taking care of alligators.
Baby alligators have been popular as exotic pets. They can be bought in special pet stores and souvenir shops. Some states have made rules against taking care of alligators.
But if you are still keen on getting one as pet, read on the things below so you'll know what to do or what to expect.
1. You need a special license to buy an alligator. In Florida for example, this is being practiced. There are laws regulating alligators that are taken as pets. People who wish to buy an alligator shouldn't only be licensed. They should also know exactly what they are doing.
2. Taking an alligator from its natural habitat isn't allowed in some States. Before you go to the wild and get an alligator, check the local laws of the state first. There are states that don't allow it entirely. And some even control the feeding and harassing of alligators.
3. Alligators require a large habitat. An alligator can grow to as long as 12 feet, which is about average. Some species can even grow longer than that. That being the case, you have to make an alligator pen for them, maybe in your backyard, as big as thrice its size.
4. Alligators can be dangerous. Everybody knows this. So just because you wanted to have something exotic as a pet shouldn't be the only reason why you get an alligator. You should be ready for all the things it can do to you and the rest of the people that it can come in contact with it accidentally or intentionally. If you don't have any experience in controlling a full-grown brusque alligator think, twice in getting one for yourself.
5. Most alligators are used to a subtropical wetland climate. If you live in a rather cold state, please, don't get an alligator. It isn't used to that environment and it is going to be harmful to it and in certain instances, to its owner as well.
6. It isn't advisable to keep a baby alligator with an intention of releasing it when it is grown up. Many alligator pet owners do this. But this is really not a good practice. It makes the alligator do one of two things - to be fiercer or to lose fear entirely.
The lesson? Don't get an alligator and make it a pet unless you are ready for the responsibility that comes with it. Know what you have to know about alligators. And decide for yourself if you really want one.
Alligators require a large habitat. An alligator can grow to as long as 12 feet, which is about average. Some species can even grow longer than that. Alligators can be dangerous. Most alligators are used to a subtropical wetland climate. If you live in a rather cold state, please, don't get an alligator. Many alligator pet owners do this.
Labels: aligator
Posted by Zusniyati at 10:26 AM 0 comments